June 10, 2015
In Russia will create a single register of inspections of entrepreneursJune 10, 2015
Subsidies on crop production in Russia will increase by 2.5 million rubles Subsidies on crop production in Russia will increase by 2.5 million rubles Photo Victoria perevyasko, "Kuban 24"June 8, 2015
The Ministry of agriculture of the Russian Federation will allocate 49.5 billion rubles for selhozaistvoJune 8, 2015
For employee involvement in the region, the employer will receive subsidies For employee involvement in the region, the employer will receive subsidies Photos Victoria perevyasko, "Kuban 24"June 8, 2015
Krasnodar Region Is Actively Preparing for the International Investment Forum ‘Sochi-2015’June 5, 2015
The Russian government has approved Supervisory breaks for small businessJune 5, 2015
The Ministry of economic development: inflation in Russia may be reduced to 14.5%June 5, 2015
The XV International Agricultural Exhibition ‘Golden Field’ Was SummarizedJune 4, 2015
Media: the European Union will extend sanctions against Russia until 2016May 29, 2015
The International Investment Forum ‘Sochi-2015’ Is Postponed to Early October