The Central Bank launched a portal to increase the financial literacy of Russians

The regulator notes that the resource is designed for a broad audience that has a different volume of knowledge about the economy and different financial opportunities.
"The materials of the site in a simple form, with some assumptions and simplifications, deal with situations that everyone can face: from the need to take a loan and choose the most successful way of accumulating money to find the optimal strategy for the formation of a future pension," the Central Bank said.
The information and educational resource also includes a section for teachers, methodologists and volunteers of financial education.
The portal has already published several materials distributed on the topics: "Money", "Financial planning", "Accumulate and save", "Borrow", "Increase", "Protect property and savings", "Start a business", "Ensure future "and" Caution, scammers! ". In addition, the site has three services - credit and deposit calculators, as well as a page for verifying the legitimacy of financial institutions.