The State Duma of the Russian Federation approved the reduction of fines for failure to pay for heavy-directions

Russian State Duma adopted in the second and third readings directly into the bill № 688452-6 «On Amendments to the Code of Administrative Offences and Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation", fixing charging on federal highways with trucks weighing over 12 tons, and reducing fines for its absence.
After the amendments finally take effect, the movement of heavy-without pay in federal roads will be punished by a fine of 5 thousand rubles. At repeated violation the fine will be doubled - up to 10 thousand rubles. But this is the maximum penalty. Previously, the fine was at a level of 500 thousand rubles.
The system of "Plato", which provides charging from the heavy-weight over 12 tons of tolls on federal highways, launched November 15, 2015. Prior to March 1, 2016 truck drivers have to pay 1.53 rubles per kilometer, and then plan to raise fares.
Assembled with heavy-money sent to the federal road fund. They will spend money on the repair of federal roads. At the end of the two-week operation of the "Plato" the fund has received more than 500 mln. Rubles.
Chairman of the Committee on Transport of the Russian public organization of small and medium-sized businesses "SUPPORT OF RUSSIA" Gleb Kinder considers fines established acceptable.
"I believe a fine of a few thousand quite acceptable in comparison with the size of the initial option of administrative punishment that offenders would be required to pay up to five hundred thousand. Within a few months of operation of the "Plato" in this manner we will be able to evaluate the productivity decline. When the analytical data, it becomes clear how many non-payers and as a fine of five thousand rubles encourages carriers to timely payment in full. The size of the board at 1.53 ruble is extended to the entire 2016. Thus, according to experts of the Committee on Transport "SUPPORT OF RUSSIA", if all carriers will be registered in the system and will promptly pay the routes, so with this in such a tariff, "Plato" will be effective. The introduction of fees in regional roads, which offers a range of subjects, I think, premature. According to our data, the specialized committees of the State Duma of the Russian Federation also does not plan to in the near future to consider this proposal, "- said Kinder.