Shops in multi-storey buildings may prohibit the sale of alcohol

The bill would tighten requirements for turnover of alcohol in shops homes, will bring to the Russian State Duma on December 14th. Changes to Article 16 of the articles of the law "On state regulation of production and turnover of ethyl alcohol" has developed a deputy LDPR Dmitry Nosov. The member of parliament to ban the sale of alcohol of any strength in the premises located in apartment buildings, if such premises transfers from residential premises in non-residential, writes

"Izvestia". The publication notes that the scope of the ban does not just grocery stores with alcohol in the range, but the points of sale of draft beer. According to the developers, the ban would help protect children and adolescents from alcohol in walking distance. "The sale of alcoholic beverages in stores located in the premises of apartment houses, undermines the gene pool of the nation. It is time to eradicate this thing! Some Russian cities resemble beer quarters. In the former apartments and then open the point of sale of alcohol. One gets the impression that in Russia every second house is realized sale of beer and beer drinks ", - said Dmitry Nosov newspaper. According to the member of the presidium of the association of small and medium business" Support of Russia "Alexei Nebolsina in Russian cities not less than 30% of the brick and mortar stores are located in residential buildings. At the same time 40% of revenue in these locations account for Alcoholic products.