Kuban will receive about 570 million rubles for the development of the crop

The Russian government has decided to allocate 570 million Krasnodar Territory 50.2 thousand. Rubles of subsidies for crop development, processing and marketing of products.
The total amount of subsidies to the regions in this area amounted to 7.25 billion rubles. These funds will be distributed among 84 subjects of the Russian Federation.
Including the processing of crop production and animal husbandry development of wholesale and distribution centers Krasnodar region will receive about 60 million rubles.
These funds can be used to co-finance expenditure commitments relating to the reimbursement of the interest rate on short-term loans for the development processing of crop and livestock products wholesale and distribution centers, according to the website of the Russian Government.
How to write Internet-portal "Kuban 24" previously reported that the Krasnodar region on the development of crop production was 532.6 million rubles.