In the Rostov region in 2016 on the development of agriculture will send 3.5 billion rubles

In the Rostov region in 2016 on the development of agriculture will send 3.5 billion rubles
In the Rostov region in the development of agriculture in 2016 will be allocated 3.5 billion rubles. The funds allocated fr om the federal and regional budgets, said at a press conference on January 27 the head of the region Vasily Golubev.
He stressed that this amount - the original lim it without funds for compensation of interest rates on investment and short-term loans.
Also, according to the governor, in 2016 on the Don will continue to act to support such measures as compensation for the interest rate on investkreditam and grant support beginning farmers. From the federal budget, you can get a new kind of state - reimbursement of direct costs on import substituting construction of greenhouses, fruit-, and potato storage ovosche- and dairy cattle-breeding complexes.
In 2015, in the Rostov region of agricultural products produced by nearly 230 billion rubles - 2.8% more than in 2014, the press office of the governor of the region.
Source: To