In Adygea will make changes to the republican state program of agricultural development

In order to implement measures aimed at import substitution in agriculture, in Adygea will be changes to the Republican state program of agricultural development, the press service of the RA.
According to the source, along with the existing activities will support a number of sub-programs in the field of vegetable growing, dairy farming, livestock breeding, breeding and seed production, the development of wholesale distribution centers and infrastructure of social power.
"Create additional mechanisms of state support for Russian business, voiced by Vladimir Putin at a meeting of the Presidium of the State Council, will allow us to more effectively operate in the field of import substitution. We intend to harmoniously combine the existing regional developments with the tools to stimulate the production of which is ready to provide the federal government. The implementation of these measures will provide consumers with quality domestic products at competitive prices ", - said the head of Adygea.
As the Aslan Tkhakushinov in Adygea work on import substitution accentuated in the agriculture and food industry. Federal support for agribusiness in 2015, excluding measures for the sustainable development of rural areas, more than 500 million rubles. Another 158 million rubles allocated from the republican budget.
"This year, the revised priorities of the state support of real sector of the country. Provides subsidizing part of the cost for the purchase of technological equipment, special vehicles for industrial plants. Subsidize part of the cost of leasing payments, interest rates on loans for projects for the modernization of production", - said Aslan Tkhakushinov.